The Dreaded Family Portrait Session

It's interesting to anticipate the reaction in people when I tell them I'm a portrait photographer specializing in weddings and families. So often, there's this little groan that can be heard after. So many people shudder at the thought of an hour long photo session with whiny children and awkward poses. I try and keep it real, letting parents know that I have options for them. Some kids can only give you 15-20 minutes of quality attention and behavior before they are lost to chasing birds, playing in dirt, or melting down into a puddle of toddlerness. For those families, I've created the MINI FAMILY PORTRAIT SESSIONS. Quick and easy, 20 minutes, in and out. I partnered with Chapin Orchard in Essex as the backdrop for this fall's sessions to help make it a quality outing for the family to pick apples and the bonus of portraits. I set up photo stations for full families, individual children, and small groups. It made for a fun, yet brief experience. And although both sessions this fall were unseasonably hot, the remaining sessions scheduled should prove to have the crispness of fall air and the fun of applepicking in autumn. Enjoy this sampling of fall so far!


Who says you aren't photogenic? Not me.
