This one time, at beer camp…
Boys Summer Camp Meets Boston Babe
When your wedding invitation comes in the mail and it indicates you need to include your bed rolls for your cabin bunk bed, you know this weekend is going to be full of a ton of fun!
This is one of the few times when the phrase “boys will be boys” actually puts a smile on my face, as we dipped into a weekend at a boys summer camp, Camp Abenaki in South Hero, Vermont. Bill and most of his groomsmen had been campers here first, then counselors into their twenties. We were greeted by tube socks, wide smiles, and clipboards as we made our way to our cabin past the dining hall and into the Tamakwa Village. Rustic and quaint, we set up our bedding and settled into a weekend at beer camp.
Yes. Beer Camp. You see, Bill and Allison created Beers Over Boston, a pair of digital creators who love beer, trivia, and cats. They use their platform to highlight different craft brewers, promote brew events, and generally spread the good energy that comes with being part of this industry with others. They met shortly before the Covid pandemic, but became closer than ever as a result. So really, what could possibly be better to a guy like Bill than combining his most cherished childhood moments and friends on the shore of Lake Champlain with an amazing variety of craft brews to enjoy all weekend long. Yard games, canoeing, volleyball, bon fires, mess halls, and flash tattoos were on the schedule all weekend.
After a first look by the art barn and private vows exchanged outside the Hibbard Cabin, they descended to the lakeside chapel. One can imagine the young boys who had found some peace in such a cool place with Mt. Mansfield in the distance across the lake. The guests got a full camp experience as they made their way from one building to the next as the full day of events simply flowed one into the other, with only the sound of the camp bell to remind everyone to casually move on to the next part of their day. The day ended in the rec hall where everyone got their dance on, snacked on popcorn, and enjoyed the delight of joy being shared in such a unique way,